Current Bio

Emily Choate is the Fiction Editor of Peauxdunque Review. Her fiction appears in Mississippi ReviewstorySouthShenandoah, The Florida Review, Rappahannock Review, Tupelo Quarterly,  Peatsmoke, and elsewhere. She writes regularly for Chapter 16, and her nonfiction also appears in Atticus Review, Late Night LibraryBayou Magazine Online, and Nashville Scene, among others. Emily belongs to New Orleans’ Peauxdunque Writers Alliance and holds an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College. Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net, and she has been a Tennessee Williams Scholar at Sewanee Writers Conference. 

Emily has held residencies at Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, The Hambidge Center, Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts, Vermont Studio Center, and Crosshatch Center for Art and Ecology. Her fiction was runner-up in the William Faulkner-William Wisdom Competition. She has taught writing and lit courses of various size and shape, held library jobs, and freelanced. She lives near Nashville, where she’s working on a novel. Here’s where you reach her: emily(dot)c(dot)choate(at)gmail(dot)com

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